Octopus Client: Your central interface for maximum efficiency

The Octopus Client is the heart of the Octopus platform and offers you a user-friendly and powerful interface to control and optimise your document processes. With the client, you have full control over your workflows and benefit from a wide range of advantages that will revolutionise your work.

The advantages of the Octopus Client at a glance:

  • User management with rights and roles concept: Manage your teams efficiently by assigning individual access rights and roles. This keeps your work secure and structured.
  • Seamless integration of external services: The Octopus Client makes it easy to integrate and use external services to flexibly expand your processes.
  • REST API for maximum flexibility: Use the REST API to seamlessly integrate the client into your existing systems and develop customised solutions.
  • Billing and licence logic: Maintain an overview of your licences and billing - all managed centrally and transparently in the client.
  • Access to all Octopus services: The client connects you to the entire Octopus Suite, from transformations to publishing and AI applications.
  • Easy access without a CMS: The Octopus Client gives you direct access to the platform from your computer - without the need for a CMS. This allows you to efficiently automate both mass conversions and individual tasks.

With the Octopus Client, managing and optimising your document processes has never been easier. Experience how seamless integration, intuitive operation and powerful functions take your efficiency to a new level. Whether you need to convert large volumes of documents or automate specific tasks, Octopus Client gives you the flexibility and power you need. Get started now with the Octopus Client and future-proof your workflows!